Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuasive Speech Essays - 1052 Words

Persuasive Speech Introduction a. Attention Getter : When people ask me why I joined the military I think of all the reason that I did it for, but I think Toby Keith sums it up the best : â€Å" cause freedom don’t come free.† b. Topic : Freedoms come with a great cost but yet we still do not care for our veterans well enough c. Preview: Today I will tell you how veterans suffer from Post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD and cant get help, how veterans are homeless and why they are , and finally I will look at this from a soldiers point of view Body A. PTSD a. According to National Institute of Health , â€Å" as much as 20 percent of Iraq war veterans suffer from PTSD† b. As you can see thats nearly a†¦show more content†¦CBS says that â€Å" soldiers are qualified for a wide variety of work but have metal war wounds that concern civilian employers that keeps them from hiring soldiers.† Just because a soldier comes back and has PSTD does not mean he w ill go into a work places snap and go on a violent rampage. These men and women come home and want come back into society and be accepted, welcomed, and feel like they have helped the people they fought for. The don’t wanna be singled out and and ignored because of what they went through, it is just not fair not to hire someone that is perfectly qualified and able to do a job and not give them that job because they were a veteran. Soldiers POV a. As current enlisted soldier in the Army I feel that the care that veterans get upon return from war is mediocre at best. They have good health care and pensions , if you don’t suffer from PTSD they don’t care enough for these individuals. Yes they have some help for them but the government looks for ways to not help or to give them as little help as possible. These are men and women are willing to give there life, see people die, kill others, and leave there families all in order to protect our country and they cant get help with the problem they get from going to war. b. I Interviewed my older brother Mike whoShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech : Automatic Speech Recognition1610 Words   |  7 PagesAutomatic speech recognition is a tool that allows computers to translate spoken language into written text. This technology can assist users in interpreting and using audio information for applications such as transcribing interviews, human-computer interactions, and many more. Speech recognition is an application the Ministry of Justice has expressed great interest in. 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