Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Lighting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lighting - Essay Example The use of the low key light in the film also enhances the meeting of the director’s objectives which are to create suspense and fear in the audience. The use of the low key light contributed to the creation and advancement of the theme â€Å"horror† by setting the tone and mood as well as creating a treacherous relationship with mysteries through the created dull shades and shadows. Horror movies such as â€Å"The Mummy† rely on unnatural light to create suspense. The low key lighting system contributed significantly to the meeting of the objectives of the film. Watching â€Å"The Mummy† film lit with very bright light would have changed completely the mood of the film(Brooker, 2006). In conclusion, â€Å"the style of lighting helps in determining what type of movie is being presented† (Salamoff,2012, p.11). As a result of this, the choice of low key light in filming the film â€Å"The Mummy† contributed significantly towards creation of suspense as intended by the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Internal Control in the Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internal Control in the Business - Essay Example They include; orderly and efficient conduct of business, adherence to management policies, safeguarding of company assets, prevention and detection of fraud and error, accuracy and completeness of accounting records, and timely preparation of reliable financial information (Simkin, Rose & Norman, 2012). The world business network has encountered challenges involving the internal control systems in businesses; hence there has been deliberate monitoring of the area through legislation and authentic reports. These have provided guidelines on how to incorporate internal control systems in small and big businesses. For instance, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Section 404 that requires public companies to operate with an internal control system (Simkin, Rose & Norman, 2012). In addition, it ought to be effective and audited by an external auditor regularly (Li, Peters, Richardson, & Weidenmier, 2012). Others include; the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) report whose focus is on enterprise risk management, COBIT, and SAS NO.112 just to mention a few (Simkin, Rose & Norman, 2012). The growth in information technology has prompted some business security measures. For instance, COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) was formulated to put checks on the exposure of data through computers. The involvement of IT in business has resulted to benefits and risks in the internal control systems of the businesses (Simkin, Rose & Norman, 2012). On its establishment, COBIT came up with objectives that would govern the internal control of information and related technology which it has continued to improve over time. The control objectives include; strategic alignment, Realization of expected benefits of IT, Continual assessment of IT investment, Determine risk appetite, measure and assess performance of IT resources (Simkin, Rose & Norman, 2012). There are five components that constitute